Sports news is a subset of general news coverage that revolves around sports. It is commonly found in newspapers, magazines, and online media. This genre of news covers a wide variety of sports events, from professional teams to high school games and beyond. Sports news can also include news about famous athletes and teams, as well as major sporting achievements and milestones.URL :
One of the most important aspects of writing sports news is being concise and to the point. Readers will already be aware of the final score and what happened during a game, so it is not necessary to list all the plays that led up to it or to go on at length about individual players’ contributions. Keeping the article to about 500 words or less is a good idea, even if an editor is not present to restrict word count.
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Another important aspect of writing a sports article is not slanting the piece to cheer for a particular team or athlete. This is not only unfair to the team, but also to the readers. Even if you are an avid fan of the sport you are covering, it is best to leave the cheerleading to others.
Finally, it is crucial to avoid the use of cliches when interviewing a player or coach for a sports story. This is the mark of lazy writing, and it will drive editors up the wall. Instead, try to obtain specific and detailed answers by asking questions that begin or end with “why,” such as why a coach called a certain play, or why a player believes they are better than last season.